• 방사성폐기물 표지 JNFCWT(Journal of Nuclear Fuel Cycle and Waste Technology) - 방사성폐기물학회지

    Journal Abbreviation 'J. Nuel. Fuel Cycle Waste Technol.'


    Doi Prefix10.7733/jnfcwt

    ISSN 1738-1894 (Print)

    ISSN 2288-5471 (Online)


Current Issue : 2024년 12월 / 22권 4호

  • Occupational Radiation Doses to Workers Transporting Spent Nuclear Fuel by Using Metal Overpack

    저자 Shin Dong Lee, Geon Woo Son,Jeong Woo Lee,Kwang Pyo Kim

    학술지JNFCWT 22권 4호 523-528p / 2024년 12월

  • The World Leading Deep Geological Repository Projects: A Synthetic Description of the High-Level Waste Long-Term Management Facilities Programed in Finland, Sweden, France and Switzerland and an Overview of the Deep Geological Repository Site Selection M

    저자 Pascal Claude LEVERD

    학술지JNFCWT 22권 4호 503-522p / 2024년 12월

  • Analyses on the Thickness of the Bentonite Buffer in Deep Geological Disposal for Spent Nuclear Fuels

    저자 Jongyoul Lee, Heuijoo Choi,Changsoo Lee,Sunghoon Ji,Dongkeun Cho

    학술지JNFCWT 22권 4호 491-501p / 2024년 12월

  • Alteration of Bentonite in Hydrogen Sulfide-Rich Deep Borehole

    저자 Minsoo Lee, Mihye Kong,Jinseop Kim

    학술지JNFCWT 22권 4호 477-489p / 2024년 12월

  • Sensitivity Analysis for Factor of the On-link Public Assessment Model in Radioactive Waste Overland Transportation

    저자 Ga Eun Oh, Min Woo Kwak,Dong Gyu Lee,Kwang Pyo Kim

    학술지JNFCWT 22권 4호 465-476p / 2024년 12월

  • Infiltration Analysis of a Multi-Layer Cover System Considering Bedrock Heterogeneity and Rainfall Variability

    저자 Soo-Gin Kim, Jae-Yeol Cheong,Chan-Hong Kim,Jeoung Seok Yoon

    학술지JNFCWT 22권 4호 451-464p / 2024년 12월

  • Study on the Quench Curve for Low-Level Tritium Measurement Using a Liquid Scintillation Counter

    저자 Seongkyeong Cho, Byoung-Chul Kim,Myoung Jung Kim,Kyoung Beom Lee,Yeong Jae Park,Dong Hye Heo,Tae Hee Kim,Jong-Man Lee

    학술지JNFCWT 22권 4호 441-449p / 2024년 12월

  • Fabrication and Characterization of Multi-Shell Structure Quantum dot Doping Organic Scintillator

    저자 Su Jung Min, Hyun Soo Kim,Heung Su Joung,Bum Kyoung Seo,Chang Hyun Roh,Sang Bum Hong

    학술지JNFCWT 22권 4호 421-440p / 2024년 12월

  • Development of Training Course and Evaluation Model for Dismantling Process of Large Radioactive Components for the Application of eXtended Reality (XR)

    저자 Chang-Sig Kong, Sang-Hwa Shin,Chang-Lak Kim

    학술지JNFCWT 22권 4호 411-419p / 2024년 12월

  • Soil Washing Technology Demonstration for Removal of Multi-Nuclides in Natural Background Soil

    저자 Choong Sup Byun, Suin Lee,Jihyun Kang,Wonseok Park,Dohyung Kim,Jongyoul Lee

    학술지JNFCWT 22권 4호 399-410p / 2024년 12월

  • Comparative Tolerance of Legume Species at Seed Germination and Initial Seedling Growth to Cesium (137Cs) in Electric Arc Furnace Dust Leaching Effluent

    저자 Thunyaras Akharawutchayanon, Phitthaya Nookongbut,Witsanu Katekaew,Nikom Prasertchiewchan,Vichai Puripunyavanich,Lamai Maikaeo

    학술지JNFCWT 22권 4호 387-397p / 2024년 12월